science reporter for upsc Science Reporter Conquering the Emperor of all Maladies article canbe seen on page 24 science reporterapp In most cases doctors advise radiation therapy and systemic chemotherapy agents, but these treatments also disrupt other essential cellular processes. Scientists have tried methods to ramp up immune response to combat cancer. reporters James P. Allison of the United States and Tasuku Honjo of Japan succeeded by deciphering exactly how cells were interacting so they could fine-tune methods to control the immune system. Their success has revolutionised cancer treatment. science reporter for upsc The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for discoveries that have led to new medicines that activate the immune system and drive it to fight cancers. These therapies can defeat even the deadliest malignancies. science reporter for upsc James P. Allison is the chairman of the immunology de...
Bsc Banking Service Chronicle bsc chronicle magazine in hindi China to sell 48 drones published this article Page no 01 bsc academy bsc academy online test China will sell 48 high end armed drones to Pakistan. It will be the largest deal of its kind. The cost of the major defense deal was not revealed. Wing Long II is high end reconnaissance strike and multi role endurance unmanned aerial system capable of being fitted with air to surface weapons. It is roughly equivalent to the American MQ 9 Reaper drone. China is the largest supplier of weapon system to the Pakistan Army. Both countries also jointly manufacture JF Thunder single-engine multi role combat aircraft. The Trump administration has agreed to sell 22 Sea Guardian drones to India. bsc current affairs subscribe this magazine.
Gkdaily current affairs GautamiBalashri's Nasik Cave Prashasti Inscription (141 AD) : Gk daily current affairs it is found from a cave of Nasiknagar of Maharashtra state. It throws light on Satavahana ruler Gautamiputra Shatakarni (106-130 AD). It was inscribed in 141 AD by his mother Gautami Balashri in the reign of Vashishthiputra Pulumavi (130-154 AD). bank po sample papers Due to this reason, this inscription is sometimes known as Vashishtriputra Pulmavi's Nasik Prashasti Inscription . all india generalknowledge this inscription throws light on victories of Gautamiputra Shatakarni and his devotion towards the religion. According to Inscription, general knowledge quiz contest online he took up the title of 'Khatiya-dap-man-madanas',SakaYavanPalhav Nisudanam', 'Khakharat - Vas - Niravases - Karas', 'Satavahana - Kula Yas-Patithapan-Karas' etc. He also took up the title of 'Tri-Samudra-Toya-Pita-Vahana' i.e, one whose horses dr...
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